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Can You Protect Your Emotional Health When You Return to Work?


Suffering a traumatic injury at work in New Jersey may leave you feeling extremely apprehensive and fearful of returning to your job. Depending on the severity of your injuries, you may never be able to resume your responsibilities in their entirety and may need modifications. 

Preparing yourself to return to work will require you to assess your mental and emotional health. Understanding how to protect your best interests and where to seek support may enable you to transition back into the workplace with confidence and optimism. 

Work with your employer 

From the onset of your injury, communicate regularly with your employer. Keep them informed about your condition, your progress, the treatments you have undergone, your desire to return to work and your concerns. Your insight is critical and necessary to develop a customized return-to-work plan that addresses your unique needs and risks. 

According to Forbes, one thing you may consider doing is practicing transparency in sharing your concerns with the people you work closely with. Helping them understand your experience and the trauma that resulted may enable them to react with empathy in helping you transition back to work. Spend time rebuilding the trust you have in your ability to stay safe at work. Request that you collaborate with your coworkers as you work toward regaining full independency on your job tasks. 

Seek professional therapy

Professional therapy may help you discuss your situation in a productive manner and equip you with the tools you need to process your circumstances in a healthy manner. Additionally, therapy may help you recognize triggers and learn how to manage them so you can maintain control even in difficult situations.