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Case Results

  • Work-Related Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
    Our client, a retail salesperson for a national children’s clothing chain, was injured when a fire extinguisher fell on her foot and she subsequently developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Despite the insurance company’s multiple efforts to deny her claim, our office secured multiple court orders awarding her medical treatment and wage replacement benefits. After trial, the Court likewise entered an order finding the client’s CRPS was related to her work accident and that the client was totally disabled, entitling her to lifetime weekly disability payments and medical coverage for life.
  • Work-Related Herniated Disk Injury
    Our client, a nurse at a long-term care center, suffered a work-related herniated disk injury in her back. As a result of her preexisting medical condition and her herniated disk, the court found that the client was totally disabled and awarded the client lifetime weekly disability payments and medical coverage for life.
  • Work-Related Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    Our client, a bank teller at a national bank, suffered carpal tunnel syndrome as a result of the nature of her job. During her medical treatment, she aggravated a preexisting low back injury. As a result of the combination of her injuries, the court found that she was totally disabled and awarded lifetime weekly disability payments and medical coverage for life.
  • Work-Related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
    Our client, a customer service worker at a national restaurant chain, was at work when the restaurant was robbed. As a result, the client developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As a result of our firm’s efforts, the court awarded the client four hundred (400) weeks of wage replacement benefits and likewise found that the client was totally disabled enabling her to receive lifetime weekly disability payments and medical coverage for life.
  • Work-Related Construction Injury
    Our client was a safety inspector for a national engineering chain. During a road improvement project, he was injured when he was struck by a construction vehicle. Despite the fact that the client had a documented history of a prior back injury, the court found that the construction injury aggravated the client’s prior injury and found that the client was totally disabled, awarding lifetime weekly disability payments and medical coverage for life.
  • Work-Related Accidental Death
    Our client, an employee for a trucking company, sustained serious injuries when he fell off a ladder while repairing a truck. During his medical treatment, he overdosed on his prescribed opioid medication. The insurance company denied that our client’s overdose was work-related and likewise argued the overdose was not accidental. During trial, the insurance company offered a lump sum payment of $300,000 to our client’s widow.
  • Work-Related Heart Attack
    Our client, a clerk at a national car part chain, sustained a fall at work injuring many body parts. During his physical therapy, he suffered a heart attack. The insurance company denied that the heart attack was work-related. After trial, the court found that the client’s heart attack was work-related entitling him to weekly wage replacement and permanent disability benefits. The court likewise found that the client who was employed on a part-time basis was entitled to benefits corresponding to a full-time worker.
  • Work-Related Motor Vehicle Accident
    Our client, a laborer for a tree service company, was injured in a motor vehicle crash. The employer’s wage records did not include certain cash payments made to the employee, reducing the weekly amount of his wage replacement benefits. After a trial on that issue, the court found in favor of the client ensuring that he will be properly compensated for his wage replacement and permanent disability benefits, based upon his full earnings notwithstanding the employer’s incorrect wage records.
  • Work-Related Fall
    Our client, a local police officer, suffered a work-related fall. After the insurance company denied him medical treatment and replacement wages, our office secured several court orders which resulted in the insurance company paying four hundred (400) weeks of wage replacement benefits prior to the client receiving an award for his permanent disability award. Our office likewise secured multiple court orders requiring the insurance company to provide continuing medical treatment.